I Love Reading
In last couple of years I’ve discovered my love for webdesign books. I have learnt a lot from some really good books and blogs. Living in India, you don’t find any design workshops and good designers to talk to and learn from. One has to rely on books, rather than ebooks I would say, because Amazon doesn’t take online orders from my country :(.
After I immigrated to Canada in July, I was curious about original printed books. In last 4 months I’ve ordered over 20 books from amazon. First book I read about web designing was CSS Mastery by Andy Budd. These days I’m reading Web Form Design, Detail in typography and The designer’s guide to color combinations.
# Dinesh
says on October 27
# Paulo Canabarro
says on October 29
# Amrinder
says on October 30
# Gonzalo González Mora
says on December 03