I Love Reading

In last couple of years I’ve discovered my love for webdesign books. I have learnt a lot from some really good books and blogs. Living in India, you don’t find any design workshops and good designers to talk to and learn from. One has to rely on books, rather than ebooks I would say, because Amazon doesn’t take online orders from my country :(.

After I immigrated to Canada in July, I was curious about original printed books. In last 4 months I’ve ordered over 20 books from amazon. First book I read about web designing was CSS Mastery by Andy Budd. These days I’m reading Web Form Design, Detail in typography and The designer’s guide to color combinations.

Recommended Books

  • beautiful_web_design
  • web_standards_solutions
  • html_and_css_web_standards_solutions
  • designing_with_web_standards
  • designing_wtih_css
  • css_reference
  • the_art_and_science_of_css
  • transcending_css
  • bulletproof_web_design
  • css_mastery
  • handcrafted_css
  • design_of_everyday_things
  • web_form_design
  • sexy_web_design
  • designing_interfaces
  • beautiful_web_design
  • designing_for_the_web
  • designing_the_obvious
  • getting_real
  • designing_the_moment
  • don't_make_me_think
  • homepage_usability
  • designers_guide_to_color_combinations
  • color_index_2
  • detail_in_typography
  • the_elements_of_typographic_style
  • information_architecture
  • how_to_be_a_graphic_designer
  • thinking_with_type


Add your comment

  • # Dinesh
    says on October 27

    Great collection, I wish I would have all these. Fortunately I have two books(physically) among these, rest are in ebook format 😛

  • # Paulo Canabarro
    says on October 29

    Hey Amrinder, Great collection of books you got, I’m a book lover my self even know I haven’t had time to read anything for the past couple months. I’m looking to get a book to learn the basics of css and html, would you recommend anything?

    I’m a writer for abduzeedo.com and every tuesday I have a post called “Designer Book Shelf” if you like to make a selection of 5 books and send over to me with your review on them I can put up on my post and give you the credits for it. That would help bring out some people to this great blog you got here.

    Thank you,

  • # Amrinder
    says on October 30


    I’m looking to get a book to learn the basics of css and html, would you recommend anything?

    Start with HTML and then move to CSS. Both are easy. I started learning HTML from W3C schools. It’ll give you overview of HTML in short time. When you are familiar with basics take up HTML and CSS Web Standards Solution. It can be used as textbook and very popular these days. You can find many reviews about it by great designers like: Jon Tan, Tim Van Damme.

    For CSS you can start with CSS Mastery and then go for Bulletproof Web Design. When you think you are comfortable with basics of CSS, read Transcending CSS. Rest is practice 🙂 and learning from designer’s code.

    Shortly I’ll be writing a post on my favorite web designers which every beginner must follow.

    I’m a writer for abduzeedo.com and every tuesday I have a post called “Designer Book Shelf” if you like to make a selection of 5 books and send over to me with your review on them I can put up on my post and give you the credits for it.

    For which category you want me to write the review?


  • # Gonzalo González Mora
    says on December 03

    I just discovered your blog, you’ve got a really good collection of books! 🙂 There are a few that are in my “plan to read” list, and many of which I’ve already read. Even though it’s very good, I think you should read a book on accessibility, too – if you hadn’t already. It’s a really important part of the UX and once you’ve read a book you’ll see that it’s not that hard if you embrace accessibility from the beginning instead of as an afterthought. Anyway, thanks for sharing what you read and I’m sure we’d love reviews or mentions of future reads of yours!